Film & New Media

Delivery Failed

(8 min, 2022)
written and produced by Monica Furman & Rachel Schmeling
Watch now on: YouTube

Between the Lines

(3 min, 2018)
written by Montgomery Sutton & Lura Piccoli
Watch now on: Vimeo



April 2024
The Elevator Project, Hamon Hall
AT&T Performing Arts Center (Dallas, TX)

"Writer Joseph Vitale, Director Montgomery Sutton, and Nicolas Greco as Edward R. Murrow tell his story marvelously well in 80 compact minutes." - Doug Sturdivant, DFW Center Stage

"Director Montgomery Sutton and some skilled visual add-ons give the show a sense of energy and forward momentum." - Jan Farrington, OnStage NTX

A Midsummer Night's Dream

October/November 2023
Atlantic Acting School/NYU Tisch School of the Arts

Crowns of Power: Henry IV

August 2023
Junior Plays in association with Shakespeare Dallas


March/April 2022
The Gilbert Theater (Fayetteville, NC)
co-directed with Lawrence Carlile III

"Directors Lawrence Carlisle III and Montgomery Sutton have put together a fantastic show with a clear focus and biting commentary. [...] Issues of race, misogyny and the corrosive nature of envy are approached boldly but thoughtfully. [...] A taut psychological thriller that pulls you in from the first scene. [...] Thought-provoking, culturally relevant and just plain entertaining." - Ashley Shirley, Up and Coming Weekly


March/April 2021
The Gilbert Theater (Fayetteville, NC)

"The story entices the audience with compelling drama, songs and acting. Director and adapter Montgomery Sutton successfully simplifies the language for everyone to understand without taking away its charm." - Keyuri Parab, Up and Coming Weekly


January/February 2020
The Gilbert Theater (Fayetteville, NC)

"An in-depth examination of what we feel like as people in romantic relationships and how these relationships affect our everyday lives." - Olivia Burke, Up and Coming Weekly


April 2018
The Gilbert Theater (Fayetteville, NC)

"A raw and intense looking glass that engages the audience with a very intimate staging experience and potent sense of vive la résistance." - Lauren Vanderveen, Up and Coming Weekly